Enthusiastic and highly motivated Visual Artist, with limitless passion, drive and creativity. I am diverse and have experienced many cultures from countries I have lived in; such as, Bahrain, Singapore, Barbados, England, USA & UAE. I am confident, hardworking, patient, responsible, organized, caring and a thoughtful person. I thoroughly enjoy producing my own artworks as well as, helping adults and children to create and explore their own artistic abilities. I have a B.F.A in Art Education with a focus in 3D and a minor in Textiles. I also have a M.A in Art Education from Teacher College Columbia University.
Our most recent move to New York State with my Husband.
My Columbia University Masters Graduation with my Father
Teaching Philosophy
Everywhere we look, we are exposed to an overload of sensory information. This visually stimulating world and its complex symbol systems, loose both children and adults as they navigate through the thick multifaceted forest. Art gives students a tool, a compass, to navigate and understand the world we are living in, and more so, themselves within that world. Art gives students opportunities to persevere, and confidently explore identity and the visual world in a free, non-judgmental space. It allows occasions to discuss important controversial topics, mature opinions, tease out inner thoughts; accepting self-expression, and creating openings for bringing the inner world into the outer world of concrete reality. Art encourages critical dialog, and provides the means for every student to learn. Art is a language that all people speak; one that travels across racial, cultural, social, educational, and economic barriers, enhancing cultural appreciation and awareness.
Serving as the compass for my student’s journeys, I hope to foster a deep understanding of materials, mediums and artists. Through this exploration, they will be able to develop a deeper consideration to the meaning of each material. They will discover its characteristics, applications, and then, be-able-to make defendable artistic choices. Armed with this toolbox, students will be able to express themselves visually, the way that they want to. They’ll be able to communicate in a form other than words, and be able to touch others just like them with their meanings. They’ll be exploring self-expression vital at this age, in discovering who they are, and who they want to become. Considering ideas of identity, community, culture and media, art can be the life raft in the middle of this overwhelming, and vast visual ocean.
The physical process of creation is nothing without focusing on the psychological, and perceptual characteristics. It is my ambition, that within the space I create, students will develop confidence, take artistic risks, and push boundaries. They will explore, and persevere towards beliefs that are important, and grow within their chosen path. As a class-unit, we will research concepts together, and create a collaborative, judgment-free space. We’ll create an environment where topics can be discussed with confidence respected and supported. This environment will allow dialog to flow and compassion towards other people’s beliefs to grow. Topics will naturally become inquiry-based, and child centered, allowing the material to become personal, enabling students to engage with the art at a higher level.
Art is it own symbol system; a language with the means to communicate many ideas, concepts and viewpoints. Through studying art, students can begin to understand the historical shoulders they stand on today. They’ll appreciate where certain choices, aesthetic styles and influences come from, and make conscious opinions about whether to adopt those constructs or break them. Art allows students to become critical of their world, question all facets of a situation, and develop a heightened sense of awareness. With no right or wrong answers, the possibilities of art interpretations are endless. Art students are evermore able to invite and accept people of all genders, race, religion or disability. Arts universal language creates common ground, and openings for thoughtful responses and equally shared experiences.
My most important objective that my students achieve is that they have multiple varying, and personally meaningful experiences. Students from all demographics and education styles learn best from their experiences, and it is my goal as a classroom art teacher to provide my students with as many significant and interdisciplinary experiences as possible. As an educator, I tailor my teaching strategies to allow students to acquire as much significant knowledge as they can during their short time with me. My highest aspirations have always been centered on developing students into learners who are passionate about independently seeking knowledge.